Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Its a countdown bitch.

17 papers down.

1 more to go..!

[see how many painful papers i have. ): ]

yay!!! its gonna be over soon!!!!! YEEEEEE-HA!!!! :) after that? redang babe!

(counted wrongly! xD i dont have science paper1. hehe. :) i'll keep coming on my bloggie to change the numbers. )

P.S : how much this sucks man! 2 FREAKING weeks of exams. and next week is pure hard core..!

P.S.S : i so so so so so so gonna fail my maths and accounts. thanks to?? maths? EFFING teacher. stupid KFC. -.- accounts? its just to hard to understand. haha. :)

P.S.S.S :

**BM1- hard core. 200words sectionA 360 sectionB = blank out after 200words of pure shit. ;D .
**BM2- so so so so so so so.. okok hard hard-ISH.
**BI1- easy as pie. xD
**science2- okok. but i made so many fucking mistakes. FKR!
**BI2- ok la. got fucking angry cos my stupid teacher didnt want to tell me wtf convey means xD at the end i simply wrote something and i got it right. HAHA.
**sejarah1- ok. i can do it. :D i was happy. hahah
**sejarah2- T_____________________________________T i will 10000000000000000% FAIL THIS PAPER! I NEVER FELT SO FUCKING CLUELESS BEFORE AND I STUDIED MY ASS OFF. FUCK SHIT!!! $%&%^Q#)@&$_#*%(&#(^@&#@($^#&%($(@()#^!(!&@!%^#%(%^@)&#)!Q#*@)(@*!@)$ [all hard core papers next weeeeeeeek! die la me!!!! ] SOBS*
everything.. was hard! TRUST ME!! :) will post my grades when i get them back. haha

P.S.S.S.S : WTF?! kris allen won A.I!!! thats so not fair.!!! it should be adam!!! >:(

P.S.S.S.S.S : 5days to

redang...!!!! :) :D :]

- i always knew some students in my school are total asses. but i think they never heard the word B.I.T.C.H before. its in every girls blood to fucking bitch ok. so what if i bitch about people? not like you dont do it. and telling one of my friends??? is so dam lifeless, you fucking sohai. so get a fucking life ok? she knows it too. i bet she bitches about me too. so?? telling her wont break us up ok? so fuck you whoever told her. you're a total ass and completely lifeless and should pull out that stick in your ass. -

P.SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS: new moon is coming out on 27november! omfg!!! i fucking cannot wait!!! :D i wanna watch!!! :) anyone wanna go watch with me? xD

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