Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy bunny!

School was boring. LIKE ALWAYS?! people change class agian. and its getting annoying, its like.. once you get to know someone better they change class. WTF? then the friendship goes BOOM. -.- anyway.. i'm not here to complain or wtv. i'm here to post funny pics :P enjoy..

Hve a great day you useless turd. xD [wtf is a turd? xDDD ]

i'll be nicer, when you're smarter.

is ass your real name?

everthing is great, thx for asking.

when life gives you lemons, use them to squirt lemon juice into the eyes of your ememies. xD

there are so many more but i lazy. xD have to go study perdagangan now. -.- and read the stupid english book. BLEK! TA-TA ;D


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