Thursday, June 18, 2009

Useless and hopeless.

Its all just bloody BULLSHIT.

$&#%^(^#(!&@)!*@*@($&#%&*&(@!#@$%^@*#@&$*&*!@&*!&#$(@$(*@&*(&@*(&#(!@*&)(!&@(*!^#@^#&@!%@*&!(#*&@($^*@&^#&@^(!@(*!^#@^$%@*#%(&!@(!)#^)@^$*^)@&!)(@_!&#$_!^$*@^#*&@%^#%!*$(@%^#(!%#@^!%#*&@%#&*$(@(#^(!*&@$&@#)(!&@*!^*#%@^$%^@!%*!#&@$&@*&%#*^!$(!*&#^!@*&%$*^@%#^!%@^!$*!%(&$%!($!%$&!%*$&!%*$&!%(&!%$^@%$^@%*^$%@*%$*&@%$*&@%$*&%@*%$(!%$(&!%)($)$%$&%@*%$*@%$*@^$ !!!!!! argh, stupid rumors. I seriously hate people who doesn't know how to keep their mouth SHUT and not to stick their bloody nose into people's business. Dont fucking think your the bloody queen or something because your not. All the shit you say about people is just gonna bite you in your ass one day. Dont think your dam freaking smart talking about other people. Just because he's not as cute or wtv. At less he has the heart and love. Not like yours ok. Has the looks but played you in the end. So dont forget that. Looks aren't everything, I hate it when you start talking about people when you haven't looked in the mirror and see yourself yet. How will you feel if i said something that is hurtful? so you better learn to keep your stupid fucked up comments to yourself. And take out that stick out of your fucking ass. And one more thing, HA!! i fucking how you saw that today.! And seriously... LEAVE ME ALONE!! A.L.O.N.E!! GOD! And ask your friends to SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I can't go to the toilet without hearing it. -.- how bloody annoying is that. GOD!

i feel good now. thanks! -.- and i'm talking about two different people. I really tried to be nice to both of you. But all you did just got to far.

imissyoulaaaaaaaaaa, D: youwaittomorrow.imcomingforyou.heheheheheh~!!! :)


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