Monday, June 15, 2009

Its time to SHUT UP.

hello pretty people!!

Holidays are over. Kinda happy kinda sad about it. lots of things happen over the holidays. HEHEH! anyway.. Exams papers SUCK LIKE SHIT!! #%#$(#*@&#^$(@$)*@(!_@!#*@)&$)(#%^$@#($&(@*&#@)@(#)@&#$)@&% YEA! thats how i feel about the papers i got back. -.- FUCK IT LA. Anyway.. kena bully kao-kao by my friends about someone. :D LOL!! Lots of people were pulling me saying "why never tell me??!" haha. mostly people from his class..! i dont even know how they found out. Guess gossip travels fast in my school. haha. And i heard from someone that A was talking shit to her. And she told me. AND i wanted to fucking screw her up like shit! Please la, just because you broke up with your boyfriend doesn't give you the right to go making up stories that aren't true about other people. You need to learn how to keep your BLOODY fucked up mouth SHUT. Come on, she didn't break up with her EX for some other guy in our school. You don't even know the whole story and your making stuff up. They have their problems and you have yours. oh yea, AND dont go insulting people who i care about ok?!if i ever hear you doing that again i will seriously KILL you. And i'm so dam serious. I have friends that will tell me things. So you better watch out.


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