Monday, April 12, 2010

You could easily take my heart.

Hello yaa. :) I'm gonna cut all the "hello, how you doing?!" crap. Anyway, Had cross-country last Saturday! At first, I wasn't planning to go because well, I'M LAZY AND WANNA SLEEP! EH! had to wake up at 7 k! so early. -.- Anyway, met up with the besties and bola bla bla. OH did i mention it was raining cats&dogs? So everyone was just waiting around praying the rain will stop before 830. But it didn't so we still had to run. So, you guessed it. We ran in the rain and to tell you the truth, IT WAS WAY BETTER THEN RUNNING IN THE FURRRKING HOT SUN! Besides killing a good hair day i qualified. :) got number 66 and no. No top 12 sadly. ( HAHAHAHA! PLEASE! who am i kidding?! i can't even run for lake run la. which btw, i didn't qualified. All i needed was 30 more seconds. -.- BITCH) Anyway, and here's the fun part, after getting my position card i walked into the guard house and being a clumsy bitch i am.. i fell and made mel scream xD ( she can't stop screaming for anything la) and to top it all off i fell in front of Nathan. AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MAN SAID TO ME??!!!! " be careful, its wet. " #&*@^%#(@&$#&%)&#)%!!! HELLO?! LATE MUCH?! -.- and i looked at him and wanted to scream. whatever la. Then blood was dripping down my leg so mel was running around looking for tissue. haha. thanks to everyone who asked about it. :) Its fine now even if i can't really bend my knee or walk properly since my leg muscles is killing me now. ): my whole left leg dam cacat. :/ SAD! oh well. gets me out of pe for awhile :P anyway, the nasty picture will be posted later. :) BYEEE!!!

Trust no one at your back unless you want them to bury a knife in it


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